Busy Milford Aldermen agenda

Here is the link to Monday night's Board of Aldermen agenda. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. I'd like to know what you think is the most important topic on the agenda, and what you'd like to see covered the most.

Final approval of the historic John Downs House purchase with Milford Hospital's real estate arm is on the agenda along with the city purchasing a house on Grove Street for a pump station so residents in Woodmont without sewers can finally get them. The city is paying $170,000 for the house.

As always your feedback is much appreciated! Email me at bmccready@nhregister.com

This is the link for Monday's agenda. http://www.ci.milford.ct.us/Public_Documents/MilfordCT_BComm/aldermendocuments/2012aldermendocuments/AGENDA%20-3-05.pdf


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