Milford police make child porn bust
MILFORD—A 17-year-old city teen was arrested on a warrant
Wednesday for uploading and possessing 200 images of child pornography into a
Facebook account, police said Thursday.

The investigation led to a city address where a search and
seizure warrant was executed, police said. Police seized a computer from the
residence and after a forensic review an excess of 100 images and videos of
child pornography were found, police said.
The 17-year-old teen, whose name was not provided by police
because of the juvenile’s age, was connected to this upload and to Facebook
through his email address and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
The teen was charged with first-degree possession of child
pornography, and possession of transmitting child pornography by a minor. The
teen was released on $1,000 bond and is due to appear in Superior Court May 16.
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