Milford Cop Trial Date Still A Mystery

I’m always thinking that is a good question. Anderson, of course was involved in a fatal 2009 motor vehicle crash involving two 19-year-old Orange teens.
Anderson was traveling 94 miles per hour at the point of impact when his car collided with a car driven by David P. Servin, 19. Passenger Ashlie Krakowski, 19, was also killed in the crash.
Anderson wasn’t responding to an emergency at the time of the collision, and was returning from a West Haven mutual aid call when the cars collided in Orange.
Anderson’s case went on the jury trial list in December 2010, and its been a year and a half and still nothing.
Recently, I spoke with Anderson’s attorney Hugh Keefe and he said he’s working on a federal court case now, and will be for some time.
So once again we are no closer to knowing when Anderson’s case is heading to trial. In talking to the prosecutor’s office they said it’s not uncommon for cases to wait three years before proceeding to trial. That’s because there is only one trial judge available and there is a huge back log of cases.
As we all wait, Anderson remains free on bond, and in February the Servin estate agreed to a $2.5 million civil settlement from the city. The Krakowski estate’s attorney, John Wynne , said no deal has been finalized.
Keep checking back here for the latest concerning the Jason Anderson trial. What do you think would be a fair outcome?
Brian McCready
Milford Bureau Chief
New Haven Register
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