Joe Della Monica Jr. Saves a Life

On Saturday, I went to the mall and saw that robot sea monster movie in 3D.

This is what Joe Della Monica Jr. did on Saturday. 

Yeah, he ran toward a burning car and punched out the glass windows with his bare fists and pulled out the driver. Even better, the driver had been driving like an idiot before the crash - including passing people in the breakdown lane.
What the SUV looked like seconds after Della Monica rescued the driver

I have definitely fantasized about seeing a bad driver get a good (not deadly) lesson by crashing after they cut me off or whatever.

But Della Monica didn't even consider that the guy could've killed others. He just dove in and pulled the guy out. He won't take the title "hero" because he says he was just "helping someone out."

And I get that. But to me, the definition of a hero is not only putting your life up for ante, but also doing so without prejudice.

So, remember Della Monica's example: all action, no pretense.

Also, he owns a sausage company with a hilarious name. Go buy some of his sausage.


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