Should a religious group be able to rent out Milford City Hall?
This weekend in Milford at City Hall a group called realMilford and Milford Christian Academy are holding a religious conference and its focusing on religious freedom under attack.
Some residents have voiced concerns about the religious institution renting out City Hall for two days. Even Aldermanic Chairman Phil Vetro, D-4, says he has some concerns.
My question is what do you think about this? Do you think religious groups should be able to rent out City Hall? Please share your comments here or email me at
Mary Pimenta on my Facebook page wrote the following.

"So long as the people in attendance and the City as a whole understand that this is not a city sponsored event, let them rent the darn auditorium. I do NOT agree with this Pastor Loomer on many, if not, all issues stated in the article and it seems to me that he has a very narrow interpretation of what the Christian faith has to teach. I am not a Christian. But in this day and age of being taxed to death, I think I could put up with the minor inconvenience of allowing people of all faiths being allowed to use public buildings for their purposes (for a price!) so long as they are not inflammatory, un-American and lead to a better understanding of the phenomenal amount of work that needs to be done so that we can all live in harmony."
Some residents have voiced concerns about the religious institution renting out City Hall for two days. Even Aldermanic Chairman Phil Vetro, D-4, says he has some concerns.
My question is what do you think about this? Do you think religious groups should be able to rent out City Hall? Please share your comments here or email me at
Mary Pimenta on my Facebook page wrote the following.

"So long as the people in attendance and the City as a whole understand that this is not a city sponsored event, let them rent the darn auditorium. I do NOT agree with this Pastor Loomer on many, if not, all issues stated in the article and it seems to me that he has a very narrow interpretation of what the Christian faith has to teach. I am not a Christian. But in this day and age of being taxed to death, I think I could put up with the minor inconvenience of allowing people of all faiths being allowed to use public buildings for their purposes (for a price!) so long as they are not inflammatory, un-American and lead to a better understanding of the phenomenal amount of work that needs to be done so that we can all live in harmony."
P.S. Please like the New Haven Register's new Milford, Valley, and Amity Facebook page.
Brian McCready
Metro Editor
Twitter @nhrbmccready
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