Food Allergy Awareness in Milford

Milford Mayor Ben Blake declared it food allergy awareness week in Milford beginning Sunday. Proclamations essentially are ceremonial, but the message isn't unimportant.

Last fall I had the opportunity to interview Geno Salvatore, now 8-years-old, just prior to a statewide food allergy awareness walk in Milford. For Geno and millions of people across the country food allergies can kill. It's that simple.

When Geno comes into contact with peanuts his throat closes up and his life is in jeopardy. That is why his mother Genevieve Salvatore is so passionate about the issue of food allergy awareness.

She spends a lot of her time trying to raise awareness and to educate the public about the significance of food allergies.

I am fortunate I don't have any food allergies. However, I was tested for food sensitivities a few years ago because I didn't feel well. I was constantly tired, and felt sickly.

The results startled me. Again I don't have food allergies, and these are just high sensitivities, but I learned eggs, almonds, dairy, and gluten are all things my body has to fight very hard to digest. Essentially, it's a slow form of poisoning myself when I eat those things.

And it's strange I also have a high sensitivity to flax seed of all things, which I used to eat daily, and almond butter. Who knew I was just making myself sick.

So I am a big believer that more needs to be done to educate people not only about food allergies but also food sensitivities. A lot of times people don't even know why they are feeling ill, and there is something they can do about it.

What do you think about the issue of food allergies and sensitivities?  Share your comments here.

Brian McCready
Metro Editor
Twitter @nhrbmccready


  1. How ironic that you have a sensitivity to things that are supposedly good for us like flax seed and almond butter.
    I feel fortunate that I don't seem to have any of those sensitivities/allergies.

    I agree more needs to be done to educate people about these things that could be making them sick.


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