Milford Mayor's Youth Awards

MILFORD--Mayor Benjamin G. Blake, in conjunction with Milford Youth and Family Services, will present The 24th Annual Mayor’s Youth Award in a ceremony to be held Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 5PM at the Milford City Hall Auditorium.
Any Milford resident, age 18 or under, who has participated in activities to improve the quality of life in this city, or assist its citizens, is eligible to be nominated. All areas are considered such as school, church, volunteer or community service. Nominees will be recognized with individual awards in three age-based categories: elementary, middle, and high school. An additional category acknowledges group activity.
Teachers, principals, parents, fellow students, neighbors, group leaders, clergy, and others in the community are among those who may nominate a youth or group for this award. If you know of a young person(s) or a group who meets the above criteria, please submit a completed nomination form. Nomination forms can be obtained from Milford Youth and Family Services, 150 Gulf Street, Milford, CT 06460, the Mayor’s office, or from the City of Milford website: Please address nomination forms to Christie Roche, Program Coordinator. Forms can also be exchanged via fax at (203) 783-3238 or email using
The nomination deadline is Thursday, April 5, 2011. The Mayor’s Youth Award forms may be copied and distributed as needed. Questions and requests for nomination forms may be directed to Christie Roche at(203) 783-3253.
All of the information in this release was submitted by the city of Milford.
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