Milford Matters

I'm launching a new beat blog of sorts, where I will be posting numerous updates daily about what I am working on, and most importantly I hope to hear from you with your feedback and story suggestions.

I'll do my best to let you know what is going on in Milford, and why I am writing certain articles, and my thoughts behind the writing process.

Once I get much better at blogging I hope to be able to live blog from meetings and events, and interact with you. Really this is all designed for me to get feedback from you the public.

This is very much a work in progress but with your patience I hope it will be worthwhile. This is different than the All About Milford and Orange blog which basically is a run down of community events and press releases. I hope you also enjoy that blog as well.

Again any feedback you have would be great!! And most importantly Milford Does Matter!

Brian McCready
Milford Bureau Chief
New Haven Register
Twitter @nhrbmccready
phone 203-789-5719


  1. As a Milford resident, I look forward to reading your blog! Just saw your post on Twitter.


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